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Flood Information

The Community Rating System Program (CRS)

Nor' Easter March 62 Manor Ave & the beach

Your homeowner’s policy does not cover losses due to flooding ! Longport is a participating community of the Federal Flood Insurance Program ( NFIP ) and through the Community Rating System ( CRS ) is currently classified as a Class 8 Community. There are 10 Community Classes in the Community Rating System. Class 1 communities have the highest premium credit ( 45% off their flood insurance premium’s). Residents of Class 10 receive no premium discount. 

The Borough of Longport currently ( as of June 2007 ) contains 1444 Flood Insurance Policies out of 1572 residential units 7 commercial units and 64 vacant lots, or 91% of the homeowners in the Borough of Longport have flood insurance. The annual combined premium is $ 1,002,8111. As a Class 8 community we receive a 10% discount which amounted to $ 100,282. In savings to Borough Residents off their flood insurance premiums this past year. That averages to about $ 65.00 per policy. 

Based on the information received by The Federal Emergency Management Agency the Borough of Longport had 50 properties listed as Repetitive Loss Properties. Our current status is 35 properties. The listed properties include loss record filings from storm events dating from January 1978 through January 2003. 

Nor' Easter March 1962 32nd
& the beach

Based on our review of the repetitive losses and the mapping of those properties, it is evident that the majority of those homes are beach block & bay front. As you are aware and for this reason the Planning Board has proposed a Higher Regulatory Standard for those homes. 

As the CRS director we are annually reviewing our Zoning Ordinance for possible changes that may have a positive impact on reducing flood related damage. We maintain outreach programs to Borough Residents informing them about maintaining flood insurance and flood protection information that is readily available at the building department and library. For additional information please visit, the Community Rating System ( CRS ) Center.